Hey! If you have a looting book, please comment. Hi. I'm Skywalker767, but you can call my Sky. I live in Australia, NSW. I mainly play Phoenix, but every now and then play Wyvern, and rarely play Lynx. If you see me on your server please say hi to me because I love talking! Also, my name is Elise, but I prefer being called Sky. Thank you for taking the time to read this!!
Hey Sky(Nice name btw), so you want a looting book? I think I have one if you want it for free, and if I don't that is fine... I will go and buy one bc I have lots of money to spare! And pls call me "Ghost"!
11 months ago
I live in Tennessee, USA, so if I were to see you one of us would have to try to pull off a all-nighter, or you can leave a chest somewhere, and then you can send me the cords!
11 months ago