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Spring Garden
Started by Jadziaa

IGN: Error503_

Server: Wyvern

Coords: X10736 Z4686

Minecraft in-game name: MonstrousOrc
Server: Phoenix
Cords: 35132 62 -28900

Minecraft in-game name: Vonn

Server: Phoenix

Coords: -35568 / 64 / 22722

In Game Usernames: CRAxy57 ,  Axolex

Server: Phoenix

Cords: XYZ 35367  / 64 / -23275

IGN: _FreeWiFi

Server: Phoenix

Coords: -31440.389 / 122.00000 / -1279.461



13285, 65, 19962

Minecraft in-game name: TOVO200 Server: Wyvern Cords: -20614 66 11487

In-game name: Lokinobaka1

Server: Wyvern

Coords: x:-8017.412 y:79.00 z:5815.358

minecraft name: IlRory

Server: Wyvern

coords 6555 -25041 

all rewards go to ilrory execpet from the cash that goes to sharkedoodle for giving me the idea to join

Minecraft in-game name: SharkeDoodle
Server: Wyvern
Coords: -10757 70 24987